Dear Nonprofit Social Media Managers,

I know you’re tired — you’re overwhelmed with notifications, high demands from your manager, and the ever-changing landscape of algorithm updates. Add to that the time and effort it takes to create engaging content, and it's no wonder you often feel like you're juggling a dozen balls at once.

Many of you are the sole person handling social media for your organization or are doing it alongside other responsibilities. So how can you manage your social media feeds effectively with limited time, resources, and budget?

Here are some strategies I had to learn the hard way as a former in-house one-person social media “team” for nonprofits and now continually learn as a founder of a social media agency. I can tell you after 10+ years in the industry that these problems don’t go away, but with the right tactics, they are manageable, and help keep your job (and social media) fun and effective while avoiding burnout:

⏰ Be Protective of Your Time

Yes, a social strategy is important, but it won’t be effective if it forces you to overpromise and underdeliver at every turn. When defining your goals, target audience, and key messages, take time to map out your own estimated capacity and resources needed to successfully execute the strategy so that your boss can see what will be required to get the job done. If the strategy has you working 60+ hour weeks, something’s gotta give. You can have that conversation with your boss upfront rather than 6 months down the road when you didn’t meet your goals and they’re asking you why.

🦾 Embrace Automation

Use social media management tools to schedule posts in advance. This can save you time and give you peace of mind knowing content is coming down the pipeline (no one likes a last minute content scramble).

Make use of automation. Set up notifications for important messages and mentions. Use automation tools to categorize and prioritize these notifications so that you’re seeing the most important information at the top.

👥 Utilize Team Members

Don't hesitate to ask for help from other team members. For example, you can involve your donor engagement team in responding to donor inquiries on Facebook. With tools like Sprout Social and FB’s Inbox Manager, you can assign messages to individuals on your team to share the load and make sure nothing is slipping through the cracks.

🥫 Use Canned Responses

Streamline approved responses by creating canned replies for frequently asked questions or common inquiries. This can help you respond quickly and efficiently. Keep this in an internal shared doc and update it regularly. You can also store these responses in FB Messenger to be able to respond in 2 clicks.

💬 Be Selective About Engagement

Focus on meaningful interactions. Rather than trying to respond to every comment or message, focus on engaging with comments that contribute to the conversation or require a response.

At the end of the day, managing social media feeds for nonprofits with limited resources requires a strategic approach. Set clear goals, prioritize platforms, use automation tools, collaborate with team members, and be selective about engagement.

Remember, it's okay not to be on every platform all the time. Focus on what matters most to your organization and your audience.

Stay resilient, and don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it! Your mental health must be a top priority first in order to respond thoughtfully and make an impact on social media.

You’ve got this!

❤️ Brynne